Homeassistant app

Hi im new to the forum i was wondering how can i start with homeassistant.

Do you mean how to connect your existing Home Assistant instance to the app? or you don’t have Home Assistant setup yet?

yes i wanted to connect my existing Home Assistant instance to the app how to doit thanks for your help.

You would need to add a platform (in the drawer menu) first.
After it is connected, create new dashboard and start adding widgets to that.
Widget properties will bindable to specific Home Assistant components that will be synced after platform has been added.

all i see is OpenHAB Server info i do not have openhab

Maybe you have a legacy version, is the app named “Project Rotini Legacy”?

yes how can i get the homeasisstant

Legacy version doesn’t have Home Assistant support.
Please go through the steps in the welcome post to install the new version.
The app would be named “Project Rotini” and has colored icon.

Sorry, you don’t have access to that topic! this what i get

My bad, wrong link. Try this one.

the app is compatible with Samsung galaxy s7?

Phone support is coming in the next version (preview 18), which is going to be released very soon.
Only tablets are supported currently.

ooo ok thanks i have a tablet i tried later thanks for your help

My pleasure. Enjoy!

Phone support is now included in the app.