Media widget crashes when pushing next song

@igor I have tested a few times “next song” in media widget and the result was somehow a loop…next song, next song, next song and so on…and at the end the widget crashs (ooops!!)

This happens in connection with openhab and sonos-binding. The item used is this one:

Player Sonos_Kitchen_Control

@igor Did you already change something in preview 22? Because media widget together with openhab doesn’t work at all for me now.

@michaeljoos there were no directly related changes to media widget. Can you elaborate on what is not working in media widget? state updates and/or controls?

everything :cry:

what OH version you have? Did you update OH version by any change around the same time?

It’s working again :slight_smile: But you are right, I’m working always with the latest snapshots. But the widget still crashes as soon as “next song” is used.