Project Rotini Legacy

@David added

Hi Igor !

I have same problem as above, I have installed new app, but need access to Legacy Rotini to be able to see a config. Could you please add me as well ?

What config do you mean?

Visual, I just want to make same config as I had in Rotini. This is much easier when I can launch old app to see what I had there :slight_smile:

@Marcin_l ah, got it. I’ve added the email.

@igor: Today, my Legacy Version expired and updating fails, as the app can’t be found in Google Play Store. Is this already known?
Hoping to get the legacy version back soon.

@michelm since G+ has been discontinued, previous user list doesn’t work. I added your email from this community to the list, it should work in a few hours.

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The legacy version stopped working again, since there hasn’t been an update since June.
Are you planning an extension again?

@Jeff Legacy version has been updated in the Play Store yesterday, it should be available by now.
Can you trying quitting Play Store completely and see if update will show up after that?

Yup, the update is there today!

@Jeff Great! That seems like took awhile to distribute :unamused: sorry for the interruption.

Hi Igor,
i also lost access to update legacy version, could you please prolongate access few month’s more
Thank you in advance,
Regards, Slawek

Legacy version has been updated. It can take few hours to distribute.