Shutter Widget - Status error, while


i have a problem with the Shutter Widget.

The roller shutter is open and i press the down arrow button. The rollershutter is closing, but the stop button only appears some miliseconds. The value changes to 99% till the roller shutter is fully closed. After a few miliseconds the widget shows the right value again. I have no chance to stop, i can only press the other arrow and the roller shutter changes the direction.


raspberrymatic with HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM
Openhab 2.1

best regards

What is the item config for rollershutter?
Which binding?

Which config do you mean?

Just using Homematic Binding homematic by Gerhard Riegler to connect the CCU with openhab. Please see enclosed a screenshot.

If i use openhab paper ui control buttons, the stop button works. The level is not changing just in time, only after stop or reaching the end.

Level is first changing, when the rollershutter stops ( end / stop button)

Ok, thanks for the info. Will check further.